AHMA, affiliated with L&J Beauty (China) Group Ltd, was established on July, 2018, located in golden place full of art--”Lingnan Tiandi” Shanchan district Guangdong.
AHMA, with spreading international aesthetics education as its core, offers courses including professional hair dressing, make-up, shape design, photography, overall image consultant and professional management courses, adheres to professional, standardized, systematic direction, alongside with internationalization and fashion sense.
Having a closely connection with a number of international fashion colleges, AHMA combines cutting-edge international aesthetics with China and Asia, which will become the first platform of international aesthetics education enter to Asia.
Founded in 1979, L&J Beauty (China) Group Ltd has 40 years of experience of design, exploring, developing and producing aesthetics education appliances, which is one of the most closely institutions linked with international aesthetics education in Asia.